Get up and running quickly and start accepting payments online on any device with solutions designed for a better customer experience.
Simplify your online payments with over 200+ of the most popular ecommerce platforms to create a seamless checkout experience for your customers.
Hygeia offers more than just card payments with support for alternative payment methods including Account2Account, ACH, Alipay, Interac Online, Paypal, UnionPay and WeChat Pay.
Get up and running quickly and start accepting payments online on any device with solutions designed for a better customer experience.
The E-Commerce world is BOOMING now more than ever before, the last few years have forced businesses to take their profile online, it’s also forced consumers to look online first if they need a product or service.
With the complex fast-moving world of E-Commerce, Hygeia Solutions can help you navigate your way through to find the perfect solution for your business. You will need to find a payment gateway that will integrate with your website and shopping cart first, this is usually dictated by the acquirer that you choose to help you take payments on your website.
An E-Commerce payment gateway is used to take payments online via your website. It can be seen as having a credit card terminal on your website. The E-Commerce account will link to your merchant account to process the fees and automatically deposit the funds into your bank account. We have some of the cheapest rates in the UK so you can be online and sell within 24 hours.
Once a customer clicks the “Checkout” or “Pay Now” buttons you will be sent to an order form to fill out your shipping details. This will be followed by a payment form upon which the consumer will input their credit/debit card details. Upon confirming the purchase our gateway will ping the consumers' bank to see if sufficient funds are in the account and then ping back to the payment gateway to approve or deny the purchase. This will then be followed by a confirmation email or receipt upon purchased goods.
To set up your payment gateway you will probably need to contact a developer. We do have a website development team in-house who can help you with this. We will supply you with instructions which they can follow. For those who are a little more tech-savvy, we have several pre-built integrations with several of the world’s most popular E-Commerce platforms such as WooCommerce, Shopify, and several more.
100%! All transactions are processed by secure servers. We never store sensitive information or your customers' card details. Like your card processing the banks and gateways are all PCI compliant.
The costs for your payment gateway are separate from those of your acquiring, so your acquiring fees will be in addition to your gateway fees. Look at your payment gateway as the vehicle for your acquirer to be able to process payments on your website. The two costs that you will likely receive for your gateway fees are the rental payment per month, plus a pence per transaction fee – this is usually anything from 10p – 30p depending on the type of business.
Sometimes, for higher risk payment gateways the gateway is dictated by the acquirer. Most high risk acquirers have their own gateway that you must implement so it removes the choice. However, for low-risk businesses, we have partnerships with several agnostic gateways that can house most major acquirers. Below is a list of some of the main acquirers that we can support: